Kartik Sudhera, also known as Kartik, has a knack for painting pictures through melodies. Starting his career as a beatmaker in late 2019, he has since dropped over 30 projects in just three years.
Born in Ludhiana, Punjab, Kartik’s roots play a significant role in his music. From chopping and sampling clips from Punjabi movies and shows to intricately weaving melodies that evoke the lifestyle of his upbringing, he crafts a sound inspired by the DIY ethic and broken beat genre. With over 30 beat tapes since 2020, Kartik fuses classic hip-hop elements with sounds that reflect his heritage and contemporary life in India. He cites Madlib, J Dilla, Ras G, Alchemist, and Flying Lotus as major influences.
Kartik also teamed up with rap legends PAV4N (Foreign Beggars) and Sonnyjim to form the group PATAKA BOYS, producing their debut full-length album Thugs from Amritsar, released under Azadi Records.
Winning hearts one show at a time, Kartik has showcased his skills at gigs such as Boxout Wednesday, Badmaashi, and Backdoor Parade. With his distinct style and exuberant energy, he has shared stages with artists including Lacuna, Tanzen, Watashi, Karun, Dhanji, Pav4n, Shastriji, and Unfuckman.
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