The garden, which turns into a dancer’s dream come nightfall, will feature late-night, lively sets from beatmakers that inform and entertain crowds in equal measure.
Leading the charge at BUDxYARD is London-born DJ Jane Fitz, a master selector who has shaped British dance floors and beyond for nearly three decades. Joining her is Rinse FM regular Jay Carder, known for her fusion of heavy leftfield and psychedelic sounds, and livwutang, a Seattle-raised, NYC-based artist who’s made waves at DIY raves and cult festivals.
Brazilian producer RHR brings his dark blend of electro, techno, and baile funk, while dubstep DJ and System Music boss V.I.V.E.K will shake the garden with his chest-rattling beats. Indian DJs Nik and Bombie make their Magnetic Fields debut, and YNZN becomes the first DJ and producer from Nepal to perform at the garden stage.